Mother’s Day Hand-Tied Bouquet

Mother’s Day is just around the corner - one of our favourite flower filled days of the year!

We are so excited to bring you beautiful, bouquets full of love for all of the fantastic moms in our lives!

This year we are offering gorgeous hand-tied bouquets that will feature novelty tulips in shades of pink and purple, the beautiful and highly sought after quicksand rose, whimsical Larkspur, gorgeous ranunculus and everyone’s favourite - peonies! Wrapped with love and the most fragrant foliage, our lush signature bouquet is the perfect way to tell your mom that you appreciate everything she does and how much you love her special way!We cannot wait to design the most gorgeous bouquets for your and your family!

Our attention to detail is expressed in each and every hand-tied bouquet, and our pricing is reflective of size and the amount of premium floral included.

Please choose from a selection of sizes in the drop down menu above and well as which delivery day you’d prefer.

Thank you for celebrating Mother’s Day with us!

The Tania Floral Team